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更新時間:2023-02-22      點(diǎn)擊次數(shù):896



SAE J444鑄鋼丸鋼砂Steel Shot 

VDA 621-427鐵砂礫Chilled Iron Grit

BI 157-06鐵砂礫Chilled Iron Grit

JIS 5001碎花崗巖Crushed Granite #6

JIS 5001碎花崗巖Crushed Granite #7

JIS Z8801碎花崗巖Crushed Granite #6

JIS Z8801碎花崗巖Crushed Granite #7

SAE J400標(biāo)準(zhǔn)鵝卵石 道路碎石 磨損的河流礫石Worn River Gravel

ASTM D-3170標(biāo)準(zhǔn)鵝卵石 道路碎石 磨損的河流礫石Worn River Gravel

ISO 20567-1-2017鐵砂礫Chilled Iron Grit 








offers five different kinds of gravel for use in chip impact testing. Using different gravel/shot sizes allows for a wide variety of results depending upon your needs.

DIN EN ISO 20567-1, 2007-01

SAE J400, 2012-10 4.1.1

BMW GS 95024-3-1, 2010-01 4.2

Tesla TS-0002476, 2014-09

GMW 14700


鑄鋼丸鋼砂Steel Shot (G-9651-X): Cast steel shot, 1.7 to 2.8 mm (0.066 to 0.111 in); for SAE J444 shot number S-780. 10 kg (22 lb) can.


鐵砂礫 Chilled Iron Grit (G-9652-X): 4 to 5 mm (0.16 to 0.20 in); conforms to VDA 621-427 and BI 157-06. 10 kg (22 lb) can.


 碎花崗巖Crushed Granite #6 G-9653-X: 4.8 to 14.2 mm (3/16 to 9/16 in); for most tests that specify JIS 5001 #6. 5 kg (11 lb) can.


 碎花崗巖Crushed Granite #7 G-9654-X: 3.2 to 4.8 mm (1/8 to 3/16 in); for most tests that specify JIS 5001 #7. 5 kg (11 lb) can.


標(biāo)準(zhǔn)鵝卵石 道路碎石 磨損的河流礫石 Worn River Gravel (G-699): 9.5 to 15.9 mm (3/8 to 5/8 in), Standard Michigan; used in SAE J400 and ASTM D-3170. 16 kg (35 lb) box.


鐵砂礫Chilled Iron Grit (G-9650-X) 3.55-5mm Conforms to ISO 20567-1-2017 10kg(22lb) can

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