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[新品供應(yīng)]德國KSL FLY ASH試驗粉塵

更新時間:2017-01-06      點擊次數(shù):1423

[新品供應(yīng)]德國KSL FLY ASH試驗粉塵


1/ Prüfstaub China fein, mit, grob Test dust China fine, medium, coarse試驗粉塵


2/ Portlandzement Portland cement試驗粉塵

Cement for Building technology / structural engineering Is an inorganic finely ground, hydraulically acting binder for mortar and concrete, which is also used as a test dust.

Portland cement is, for example, listed in the Standard JIS 8901 Class 6.

The Portland cement used by us complies with DIN EN 197-1 and the type of cement CEM II/A-LL (Portland limestone cement) The main component is Portland cement clinker 6-20 % by mass of limestone


3/ Flugasche FLY ASH試驗粉塵

Coal fly ash is used for example in cement as a mineral raw material and building material, in bound and unbound form.

The product has no hazardous properties and is also used as test dust. Fly ash is described for example in JIS 8901 Class 5.


4/ Prüfstaub / Test dust KSL 14081試驗粉塵

based on analyses for Chinese dust, synthetically produced, developed for Roof Systems









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