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更新時間:2017-03-29      點(diǎn)擊次數(shù):1583






Filtration Standards,


Comments &

ANSI B93.31: Multipass Method for Evaluating the Filtration Performance of a Fine Hydraulic Fluid Power Element

ISO 12103-1, A2 Fine Test Dust (AC Fine Test Dust per standard is obsolete)

B93.31: Hydraulic Filter Multipass Method is cancelled. ISO 16889 has replaced the ANSI B93.31 & NFPA T3.10.8.8 documents

ISO 4020: Road Vehicles - Fuel Filters for Diesel Engines

ISO 12103-2, M1 and M2 Aluminum Oxide Test Dusts

An Organic Contaminant is also required, see 4020 standard for details.

ISO 4548-4: Initial Particle Retention Efficiency, Life & Cumulative Efficiency (gravimetric method)

ISO 12103-1,A2 Fine Test Dust ISO 12103-2, M2, M3, M4 and M5 Aluminum Oxide Test Dust

Life & Cumulative Efficiency uses A2 Fine Test Dust Initial Particle Retention uses M series of Aluminum Oxide Test Dust

ISO 4548-12: Filtration Efficiency using Particle Counting, & Contaminant Retention Capacity

ISO 12103-1, A3 Medium Test Dust

SAE J 1858 Oil Filter Multipass Method is cancelled. ISO 4548-12 has been adopted by SAE

ISO 4572: Hydraulic Fluid Power-Filters - Multipass Method

ISO 12103-1, A2 Fine Test Dust (AC Fine Test Dust per std. is obsolete)

SAE J 726 Air Cleaner Test Code is cancelled. ISO 5011 has been adopted by SAE

ISO/TS 11155-1: Road Vehicles - Air Filters for Passenger Compartments Part 1: Test for Particulate Filtration

ISO 12103-1, A2 Fine Test Dust

SAE J 1669-1: Cabin Particulate cancelled.ISO/TS 11155-1 has been adopted by SAE

ISO/TS 13353: Diesel Fuel & Petrol Filters for Internal Combustion Engines - Initial Efficiency by Particle Counting

ISO 12103-1, A3 Medium Test Dust

ISO/TS 13353 is cancelled & withdrawn. ISO 19438 has replaced 13353

ISO 16889: Hydraulic Fluid Power Filters - Multipass Method for Evaluating Filtration Performance of a Filter Element.

ISO 12103-1, A3 Medium Test Dust

ISO 16889 has replaced 4572 Hydraulic Filter Multipass Test Method

ISO 19438: Diesel Fuel & Petrol Filters for Internal Combustion Engines - Filtration Efficiency using Particle Counting & Contaminant Retention Capacity

ISO 12103-1, A3 Medium Test Dust

ISO 19438 has replaced 13353 Fuel Filter Initial Efficiency

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